School routine
School hours are from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM on weekdays.
As children arrive in the morning and settle in, they can start their day with some time playing outside and connecting with each other; or dive right in into our work period by choosing which activities they want to do.
We offer an uninterrupted 2.5 - 3h work period at the core of our mornings. Uninterrumpted by transitions and outside demands, the children are welcome to explore their interest, observe others, recieve individual and small group lessons, and help themselves to snack if they want to. it is here that the children are able to explore their creativity and work within the different curriculum areas, which include math, language, sensorial, geography, art, and movement.
The adults help guide them when they have trouble choosing and protect their concentration and process of discovery through hands on play.
There in an optional circle time at the end of this time: an opportunity for the children to come together as a group for songs and introductions to materials and cultural themes.Â
After our work period we all have lunch together and then go outside to play!
Some of our weekly rotations are cooking day on Fridays, where we offer the opportunity for the children to prepare a more elaborate multi-step recipe.
We will also learn and travel around the world as we focus on the different continents and take a dive into some countries and cultures. In a similar way, we will focus on different animal and plant families as we navigate our Zoology and Biology curriculum.
Fridays also end the day with a music circle where we sing songs, explore rhythms and beat, bang^^^play instruments and move around. What better way to end the week on a high note.